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SKU D0005
Indian protective jewel Chakana made of white limestone from the sacred Andean Chavín.
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Product Details
The Andean Cross, or Chacana, will reflect Andean cosmology. The triple graduation symbolises three worlds:
The ‘heavenly world’ - the world of spirit, the higher self [called Hanan Pacha].
The ‘earthly world’ - the world of people, the world of everyday reality [Kay Pacha].
The ‘underground world’ subconscious, the inner world of dream and intuition [called Ukhu Pacha].
KOLIBRI in the north - this is where we connect with ancestors and future generations.
ADELAAR [condor] of the East - here we associate with great spirit.
SLANG rule the South - here we learn to defer to the past.
JAGUAR dominates the West - here he can find peace, tranquillity, and here he can see beyond death.
The stone is made of white limestone from the sacred Andean Chavín.
The Andean cross can be worn on the body or kept in a pocket or by the bed.
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