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SKU B0016
Price incl. belasting 9% (9%) €1,10
In stock: 1 available
Product Details
Ingredients: Tawari amarilo ( Tabebuia chrysantha - Cortex), Pasuchaca ( Geranium dielsianum Knuth. - Herb), Caihua ( Cyclanthera pedata L. Schard. - Fructus cyslaterae) Blueberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus - Herb), Bearberry ( Arctostaphyllos uva)

The herbal mixture has been formulated so that, according to Native American phytomedicine tradition, the ingredients of the strong herb Tawari amarilo, Pasuchaca and Caihua support the effects of the European herbs Blueberry, Bearberry and Birch, which are authorized as follows: on 16 May 2012), which is valid from 14.12.2012.

In this mixture, these are mainly the following effects (highlighted):


Normal blood glucose
Blood purification

Excretion - cleansing the body


Sugar metabolism

Normal activity of the cardiovascular system - circulation

Normal state of vision
Normal condition of joints and ligaments


Normal blood glucose
Blood purification

Excretion - cleansing the body


Normal blood cholesterol level

Normal function of the urinary tract and kidneys

Excretion - purification

Control of body weight, excretion of water from the body

Preparation: Stir the mixture before use. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture with 700 ml to 1 liter of boiling water and let it infuse for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then pour, store best in a thermos and use during the day in even doses (morning, noon and evening), preferably half an hour before meals.

Another method of preparation: Pour half a teaspoon of the mixture into 200 to 350 ml of boiling water, leave covered for 15 minutes and drink. 3 cups a day.
We recommend starting with a smaller amount of mixture and increasing fluid intake.
Dosage: Depending on the weight, half to one tablespoon of the mixture per day, for 1 month, or until one package is consumed.
Note: In case of any difficulties during the regenerative herbal treatment, it is possible to skip 1 or 2 days. It is good to learn to observe your body and possibly reduce the daily dose of the mixture. We do not need to cleanse the body quickly, but rather effectively and so that we can function well during the day and not suffer from unnecessarily unpleasant feelings. We do not recommend taking it during pregnancy and breastfeeding! Hypersensitivity to the ingredients is possible!
In order to have a sufficient effect, we always recommend using at least two packs of the herbal mixture.


This mixture can be combined with the use of Tawarillo extract or Tawari-extract itself - see the instructions for this product and then also with Hercampurino extract.

Contents 100gr

Made in: Czech Republic

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